IoT, Frugal Innovation, EPB, SBC, Hardware PlatformsResumo
Digital technologies are revolutionizing the various areas of knowledge, providing features such as greater amounts of data, quantitative analyses, decision-making according to data content and programming of actions in response to the analyzed data. These technologies are being widely used in Industry 4.0 to capture data in real time (online) from a large number of sensors, process the data and activate the various actuators according to the captured and processed data, particularly the Electronic Prototyping Systems (EPBs) and Single Board Computers (SBCs) as affordable and versatile solutions, offering a cost-effective and easy-to-use option for agile and diverse prototyping. This research aims to analyze the various IoT hardware platforms such as EPB and SBC through the theoretical lens of Frugal Innovation, based on performance, core functionalities, and costs, to obtain the best solution for projects. From exploratory bibliographical research, families of electronic prototyping boards were identified. When considering the aspects involved in the context of Frugal and IoT innovation, electronic prototyping platforms are more likely to drive the creation of innovative, accessible, and connected technological solutions, meeting the specific needs of each project.
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Copyright (c) 2024 William Aparecido Celestino Lopes , Marcelo Tsuguio Okano , Salvatore Binasco Lengua, Oduvaldo Vendrametto , João Carlos Lopes Fernandes , Marcelo Eloy Fernandes

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